Chhaya's Food

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Homemade Dhokla Sushi Recipe


  • 2 cups white dhokla or idli batter

  • 1/4 cup nylon sev

  • 3-4 tbsp cream cheese

  • 3-4 tbsp schezwan sauce

  • 3-4 tbsp green chutney

  • 1 tbsp black til ( sesame seeds)

  • 3-4 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

  • 1/4 cup fresh grated coconut

  • salt as per taste


  1. In the batter add a little salt and mix well. In a greased plate pour the batter into a very thin layer.

  2. Heat some water in a vessel and then place the plate in it. Steam for 15 minutes or till cooked .

  3. Remove the plate from the vessel and allow it to cool. De mould the dhokla sheet from the plate and keep aside.

  4. Take a board spread a cling over it and sprinkle some black til, chopped coriander leaves and grated coconut on it. Then slowly place the dhokla sheet on it.

  5. Spread a thin layer of the cream cheese all over the dhokla. Then cover one half of the dhokla with schezwan sauce and the other half with green chutney.

  6. Then sprinkle some nylon sev, coconut and coriander leaves all over the dhokla.

  7. With the help of the cling tightly and slowly roll the dhokla into a log without breaking it . Keep it to rest for 10 minutes.

  8. Slowly remove the cling and cut into thick round pieces.

  9. Decorate it in a serving plate.

Enjoy this yummy Dhokla Sushi.